Calendar of Holidays

Calendar of Holidays

This is a description of the holidays/religious dates. The year encompasses a 180-day schedule in combination with 5 full lunar phases. All major cultures follow a similar schedule, though, specific celebration might vary among different cultures. The calendar follows a 9 (main) God group of months with 9-day weeks which are named in honor of that culture's God. If you or your character is interested in placing a unique holiday for some reason, please consult with your DM to accommodate that for storytelling purposes.

Holiday Date Rituals Deity or Importance
Arcane Rebirth Month 1 Spring - The Planting Earth/Plant/Animal
Festival of Spring 2 Joy/Peace/Earth/Plant
Renewal Month 20 Celebration of Plants/Animals Earth/Plant/Animal
Ludi Megalenses 25 Priests/Oracles describe future Knowledge/Magic/Arcane
Carmentalia 34 Sex/flirting/love Fertility/Love/Women
Fervor Month 37 Women/Fertility/Passion
Valentines 52 Marriage Fertility/Love/Marriage
King's Court Month 55 God Kings
Feast of Kings 62 Honoring leadership positions God of Gods or God King
Midway Month 82 Balance/Fate/Fortune
Trade Day 95 Final Trading Day Balance/Fate/Fortune
Valor Rising Month 100 War/Violence
Lucaria 103 Games & Coliseum, gambling Battle/War/Violence/Fate
Feast of Fire 112 Celebration of victories/battle War/Violence
Harvest Festival 117 Harvesting Festival Joy/Peace/Healing
Reconciliation Month 118 Joy/Peace/Healing
Celebration of Unity 126 Peace/unity among nations Joy/Peace/Healing
Winter's Embrace 127 Ocean Storm Season Rituals Oceans/Storms
The Rut 128 Hunting / Mating Animal
The Cleansing 135 Absolve sins/wrongs Joy/Peace/Healing
Tempest's Rage Month 136 Oceans/Storms
Opening of The Portal 145 The Wilds Portal Opens
Winter's Vale Month 154 Underworld/Death
The Great Mourning 159 Remembering/Honoring Dead Death/Undeath
Closing of The Portal 162 The Wilds Portal Closes
Dark Summoning 177 Banishment of evil, Appeasing Evil with sacrifice
Winter's End Feast 180 New Years Feast

Week/Month Wave (New Wave/Week) - God of Water/Oceans Earth Day - God of Earth/Plant/Animal Mystic's Day - Arcane/Magic Fortitude's Day - War/Violence Scales Day - God of Fate/Balance Nirvana Day - God of Underworld/Death Passion Day - Women/Fertility/Passion King's Day - God King Unity Day - Joy/Peace/Heal Month Name Deity or Importance
1 Arcane Rebirth/Spring 1 - Spring, The Planting 2 - Festival of Spring 3 New Moon 4 5 6 7 8 - Coronation Day 9 Arcane Rebirth Knowledge/Magic/Arcane
2 10 11 12 Last Qtr 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Renewal 19 20 - Renewal 21 Full Moon 22 23 24 25 - Ludi Megalenses 26 27 Renewal Earth/Plant/Animal
4 28 29 30 First Qtr (1) 31 32 33 34 - Carmentalia 35 36
5 Fervor 37 38 39 New Moon 40 41 42 43 44 45 Fervor Women/Fertility/Passion
6 Summer 46 - Summer 47 48 Last Qtr 49 50 51 52 - Valentines 53 54 Summer
7 King's Court 55 56 57 Full Moon 58 59 60 61 62 Feast of Kings 63 King's Court God Kings
8 64 65 66 First Qtr (2) 67 68 69 70 71 72
9 73 74 75 New Moon 76 77 78 79 80 81
10 Midway 82 83 84 Last Qtr 85 86 87 88 89 90 Midway Balance/Fate/Fortune
11 Fall 91 - Fall 92 93 Full Moon 94 95 - Trade Day 96 97 98 99
12 Valor Rising 100 101 102 First Qtr (3) 103 - Lucaria 104 105 106 107 108 Valor Rising War/Violence
13 109 110 111 New Moon/Blood Moon 112 - Feast of Fire 113 114 115 116 117 - Harvesting Festival
14 Reconciliation 118 119 120 Last Qtr 121 122 123 124 125 126 - Celebration of Unity Reconciliation Joy/Peace/Healing
15 127 - Winter's Embrace 128 - The Rut 129 Full Moon 130 131 132 133 134 135 - The Cleansing
16 Tempest's Rage/Winter 136 - Winter 137 138 First Qtr (4) 139 140 141 142 143 144 Tempest's Rage Oceans/Storms
17 145 - Opening of The Portal 146 147 New Moon 148 149 150 151 152 153
18 Winter's Vale 154 155 156 Last Qtr 157 158 159 - Great Mourning 160 161 162 - Closing of The Portal Winter's Vale Underworld/Death
19 163 164 165 Full Moon 166 167 168 169 170 171
20 172 173 174 First Qtr (5) 175 176 177 - Dark Summoning 178 179 180 - Winter's End

Oceanic Spring Holidays

Holidays The Planting - Joy/Peace/Earth/Plant/Magic/Arcana

The Planting is the first day of spring. It is the time when farmers begin their planting of crops. It is not exactly a holiday as much as it represents a new year with a fresh start. There seems to be a literal “smell” of magic in the air as the first buds appear giving life to the world again.

Festival of Spring - Joy/Peace/Healing

The Festival of Spring deals largely with happiness and gestures of kindness. To more nature-oriented cultures it is an extension of the first day of spring. Many minstrels take to the streets playing music. Artisans will also create special collections to sell for the new year.

Coronation Day

For leaders who did not make it through the winter, or who died the previous year, Coronation Day is a celebration of new leadership. While it may not be a major holiday if there is no new King/Emperor/Pharaoh/etc, it is still an important day as many new senators and influential groups recognize their newest members.

Renewal - Earth/Plant/Animal

Typically when the bulk of flowers bloom around the countryside. Door wreaths and flower hats are commonplace during this time. Animals seem to be on the move especially as it falls near a full moon.

Ludi Megalenses - Knowledge/Magic/Arcane

Both citizens and rules will flock to Oracles and Priest halls to hear the predictions of the coming year and what it has to offer for advice.

Oceanic Summer Holidays

Holidays Carmentalia - Fertility/Love/Women

Carmentalia is regarded as a time when couples bring children into the world, or make them. This is generally around the time when most babies are born including animal offspring.

Valentine’s - Fertility/Love

Valentines is similar Carmentalia is a time of courtship, love poems, and especially quests to find love. Many head to Twin Peaks in Drakkadia to find love. Most towns, however, hold local dances for those who do not have the means to travel.

Feast of Kings - God of Gods/God King

Citizens and soldiers alike pay homage to their leaders and rulers. Great gifts are presented in many forms from gold and artisan creations, to plays and other creations. Typically large crowds will gather in the bigger cities on these days to see the gifts bestowed upon their rulers and their rulers will give a speech about the current state of the culture’s affairs (whatever that may be). For many commoners, it might be the only time they see their ruler during the whole year in any official capacity.

Oceanic Fall Holidays

Trade Day - Balance/Fate/Fortune

Trade Day is the last major day of trade before most cultures, especially with long voyages, start to depart on their journeys home. Travelers will not stay long after this time for fear of being caught in a deadly ocean storms. Typically cultures will hang/throw flowers on the final merchant ships/sailors leaving.

Lucaria - Battle/War/Violence

Kegs are brewed to to honor the Lucaria feast remembering glorious battles of the past.

Feast of Fire - War/Violence

The Feast of Fire is a celebration of victories in battle and the courage of the men engaged in those activities. The celebration starts as dusk sets in and houses begin lighting torches outside their homes. Night parades take place in city centers and parties last well into the morning hours until the last torch goes out.

Harvest Festival - Joy/Peace/Healing

A feast is prepared from the last of the harvested crops of the season. This is very similar to Thanksgiving except it's far more work.

Celebration of Unity - Joy/Peace/Healing

With Winter’s Embrace just around the corner, citizens buckle down and celebrate the fact that most military conflicts have typically has subsided for the year. They take joy in each other and the bond of fellowship that has survived the year.

Winter’s Embrace - Oceans/Storms

During the winter months travel becomes treacherously difficult on the seas. Nearly all trade relations stop during that time due to the unpredictable storms that have been known to swallow up entire fleets of boats. Most notably during the winter months comes a period of shadow where the clouds cover the entire expanse of the sky. It has collectively become known to all cultures as Winter’s Shadow.

Citizens pour fresh water into the ocean in small cups asking for a calm/mild winter. Typically there are speeches and songs along the shore. Winter’s Embrace also signifies when a large group of clouds lay thickly overhead creating a gloomy filtered light around the world.

The Rut - Animal/Hunter

The Rut is typically most important to hunters. As the days grow shorter, clouds thicken overhead, and colder weather set in, animals are on the move in mass especially for mating purposes.

The Cleansing - Joy/Peace/Healing

The Cleansing is a time when people come clean with the Gods. Many will make special trips to shrines that honor specific Gods that they fear are angry with them or that they may have crossed over the year(s). It is not a grand holiday, but more of a solitary spiritual journey. Often, however, priests and priestesses will hold a special ceremonial speech on this holiday.

Oceanic Winter Holidays

Opening of The Portal

The Opening of The Portal is the beginning of Winter’s Shadow, a time when great clouds hang lower over each continent in one large mass. This is also the time when The Portal to The Wilds opens.

The Great Mourning - Death/Undeath

The Great Mourning is all about honoring and remembering the dead. It is similar to the Day of The Dead in real life.

Closing of The Portal

The Closing of The Portal is the end of Winter’s Embrace as well as when the portal to The Wilds loses its connection with the world.

Dark Summoning

Cults The Dark Summoning is not practiced in every culture, however, those who fear specific gods or want to appease them will often make mortal sacrifices during this time. More sinister cults especially follow this holiday. Other more benevolent religious sects look at this holiday as more of a summoning or inviting of good spirits.

Winter’s End Feast

A simple feast which empties the last of the winter’s stores. Town halls often hold a candle lighting ceremony in which they put out the candle at the end of the night and light a new one to represent the new year.