Forbidden City Dnd Adventure

Forbidden City DnD 5e Adventure on Roll20

While traveling through the woods, your players are unaware that they are being watched. As they venture further into the wilderness, they encounter an ancient culture lost to time that wants to protect their secret society from outsiders no matter what the cost. Will the players befriend them? Will they beat them into submission? Take a trek into the Forbidden Heights and find the city to find out!

This 5e adventure has been balanced for 5 players of level 7 and can be altered by the DM to make it harder or easier depending on the number of players/levels involved in your game. It will likely span approximately 2-3 sessions of play and is designed using the adventuring day of 6-8 encounters depending on the actions of your players. 

Quick Guide
System: D&D 5E
Starting Level: 5 players of 7th level
Length: Adventure approx. 2 sessions

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Forbidden City DnD 5e Adventure on Roll20

Forbidden City DnD 5e Adventure on Roll20

Forbidden City DnD 5e Adventure on Roll20

Forbidden City DnD 5e Adventure on Roll20

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